fresadora de cepillo

Kullanım örnekleri

fresadora de cepillo
plane bit
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Phonetic: "/pleɪn/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A level or flat surface.

Definition: A flat surface extending infinitely in all directions (e.g. horizontal or vertical plane).

Definition: A level of existence or development. (eg, astral plane)

Definition: A roughly flat, thin, often moveable structure used to create lateral force by the flow of air or water over its surface, found on aircraft, submarines, etc.

Definition: (Unicode) Any of a number of designated ranges of sequential code points.

Definition: An imaginary plane which divides the body into two portions.

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Phonetic: "/pleɪn/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of a surface: flat or level.

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Phonetic: "/bɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to the reins to direct the animal.

Example: A horse hates having a bit put in its mouth.

Definition: A rotary cutting tool fitted to a drill, used to bore holes.

Definition: A coin of a specified value.

Example: a threepenny bit

Definition: A ten-cent piece, dime.

Definition: A unit of currency or coin in the Americas worth a fraction of a Spanish dollar; now specifically, an eighth of a US dollar.

Example: A quarter is two bits.

Definition: In the southern and southwestern states, a small silver coin (such as the real) formerly current; commonly, one worth about 12½ cents; also, the sum of 12½ cents.

Definition: A small amount of something.

Example: There were bits of paper all over the floor.   Does your leg still hurt? / Just a bit now.   I've done my bit; I expect you to do yours.

Definition: Specifically, a small amount of time.

Example: I'll be there in a bit; I need to take care of something first.   He was here just a bit ago, but it looks like he's stepped out.

Definition: (plural) Fractions of a second.

Example: The 400 metres race was won in 47 seconds and bits.

Definition: A portion of something.

Example: I'd like a big bit of cake, please.

Definition: Somewhat; something, but not very great; also used like jot and whit to express the smallest degree. See also a bit.

Example: Am I bored? Not a bit of it!

Definition: A prison sentence, especially a short one.

Definition: An excerpt of material making up part of a show, comedy routine, etc.

Example: His bit about video games was not nearly as entertaining as the other segments of his show.

Definition: A small part or role, sometimes with spoken lines, in a theatrical performance.

Example: She acted her bit in the opening scene.

Definition: The part of a key which enters the lock and acts upon the bolt and tumblers.

Definition: The cutting iron of a plane.

Definition: The bevelled front edge of an axehead along which the cutting edge runs.

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Phonetic: "/bɪt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To put a bridle upon; to put the bit in the mouth of (a horse).

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